Contact Us
Ashcombe Farms West HOA is comprised of the 131 properties on the following streets:
- Wood Hall Way
- Sheppard Drive
- Lyn Circle
- Shaffer Circle
- Ashcombe Drive (House numbers 2000-2029 Only)
All other house numbers on Ashcombe Drive, Deerfield Drive, Boxwood Court, and Ashcombe Boulevard are part of the unaffiliated Ashcombe Farms.
To contact the Executive Board of the HOA, please email us at, or write us at:
Ashcombe Farms West HOA
PO Box 261
Dover, PA 17315
The HOA Does not have a telephone number. The current budget does not finance the expense of a dedicated phone line.
HOA Board Members
President - Jerry O'Neal IV
Secretary - Brenda Santos
Treasurer - Gene Short
Activities Committee
Visit the Activities Committee on Facebook for updates on Community-related events!
Out of respect for our Board Members and their families, do not call their personal phones, show up at their homes, or attempt to contact them through their personal Facebook, Twitter, etc accounts with HOA matters. Board Members may be reached via the methods above.